Ten enriching and moving months I was a volunteer in Pakashka Sacha and I am infinitely grateful for this experience. As colorful and diverse as the beautiful rainforest on the property is, so was my work. Every day was different and every day I learned something new. 

Especially in the first half of the year I helped a lot in the English classes at the English school and at the “Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Hermano Miguel”. Especially the cooperation with the English school gave me a lot of pleasure. 

In January we started to think about a new volunteer project in the Comunidad Puka Urku and in March we started to realize it. The idea was that the volunteers would teach English in the elementary school there and we would build a house, a shelter, for the volunteers in Minga with the parents of the school children. Byron went to Switzerland for three months during this time and left me in charge of the project. This responsibility was great and often challenging, but it is what I grew most from. I really appreciate how much trust I was given and I am grateful to have been able to build this project. I see great potential in it myself and hope that it will bear much fruit.

The time in the Comunidad has especially changed my view of the world and I was accepted there as if I were part of the family. The charity that these people, who have so little, have shown me has touched me deeply and stimulated many thought processes about my culture and origins.

Pakashka Sacha, the hidden forest, is a place full of life, full of growth and hope. 

My wish for you as a project and especially as individuals is that you continue to learn, that your curiosity and motivation never dry up, and that together we can continue to protect the earth through education. 

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